Author | Speaker | Encourager


Does Prayer Matter?

roads-217264_640What is prayer exactly?

And does it really matter if we pray? Does it change the outcome of anything?

I think there are two paths to prayer, and the one we choose is determined by how we view God.

I grew up being afraid to ask my dad for anything. Afraid that he’d get irritated. He wasn’t that invested in our family and I felt more like a bother than a cherished daughter.

Yet, many kids run freely to their dads with their needs, certain of the love and acceptance he has for them. No fear of disapproval or shame.

Think about the last time you prayed for a need, big or small. Did you expect God to answer in your favor, or was it more of a wishful prayer?

I think for many of us there is a big gap between what our heads believe and what our hearts believe about God’s character and His promises.

Knowing scripture—–chapter and verse, doesn’t guarantee belief in our hearts. We can nod in agreement, while deep in our hearts we don’t truly believe…because our experience tells us God isn’t big enough.

But what if our experience was faulty?

What if we were missing some key revelations that kept our prayers from being answered? What if the lack of this key information caused us to pray beggar prayers?

Many of us look like we have it together, but on a spiritual level we are really orphans and beggars.

Is it possible our churches are full of penniless people (spiritually) who have yet to fully realize that a death (Jesus’) gave them an inheritance that changes everything?

Many of us haven’t fully accepted our inheritance. The rights and authorities that were transferred to us by the One who took them back from our enemy.

Praying From Identity

What does prayer look like when we know who we are?

Have you been privileged to have a deeply safe and intimate friendship? Where someone knows the very worst about you and yet loves and accepts you fully?

They are the one you turn to when life throws up in your lap. When you’re clearly in the wrong, but still need a caring, listening ear. As well being the one you can’t wait to share your brilliant news with.

That’s who God is. He is our Person.

The One who yearns to hear everything you have to share—–the lovely and the hidden. And He holds it all tenderly in His hands. Because He loves you. Because He doesn’t see the yuck—–He sees your need for Him.

But our ability to have those conversations is determined by how we see Him. Is He really trustworthy, or is He waiting with crossed arms to tell us to get our act together?

Do we believe the truth of scripture that tells us about His goodness? Or do we believe the thoughts the enemy plants in our head that paint God in a harsh or indifferent light?

forest-1345747_640What do we believe about God? It sets the foundation for our entire walk on this planet.

Will we walk attached to His goodness into ever expanding freedom and joy, or will we live under the deceptive lies of shame and powerlessness?

He who the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).

If freedom isn’t our current experience, there are many ministries available to help us access the freedom God has for us.

Powerful resources for freedom that I encourage you to check out if you’ve become weary of the battle:



Jesus, I want this freedom. I want to live as an overcomer, with the freedom and joy You have given as my inheritance. Teach me how to take hold of this freedom Jesus has gifted me. I want to shake off all that hinders my walk in You. Teach me how to do this. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Photos via Pixabay



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