Author | Speaker | Encourager


How Much Do We Trust?

rowing-boat-475793_640Is the act of believing a form of prayer?

As I prayed for my kids one day, I found myself grabbing for prayers. Fix-it prayers.

You see, my middle son has aspirations to play college basketball, and fear started speaking to me, “How will coaches find him in our small town of mountains and sage brush?”

My boat started taking on water fast. The more I prayed, the more anxiety I felt. Worry was grabbing the oars and paddling hard.

So I lifted my oars out of the water and told God that I was more anxious now than before I started praying.

I sensed His wink and a reassuring, “I’ve got your boy.” My oar dipped toward the water’s surface, “You sure?” Read More…

Negativity Blocks Our Ears

Fallen_tree_in_Washington_D.C._after_Hurricane_IreneDoes negativity hinder our relationship with God?

The other morning I found myself trying to find my way back to God. I’d lost Him at my daughter’s basketball game the night before.

A few missed calls by the referees in a close game had tempers igniting in the stands. I usually try to connect with God when I feel my emotions crossing over to the dark side.

But I didn’t.

I owned my anger and lost God in the process. Of course, He didn’t lose me. But like with Adam in the garden, He was saying, “Where are you, Sherri?” Read More…

The Load We Carry

read-515531_640I wonder if we recognize our escape plans.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve loved jewelry. Whenever we were out shopping, my mom and I would always step into those magical stores with all the sparklies beneath the glass cases.

When Mat and I became engaged, I happened to work at a jewelry store. With that lovely employee discount, we were able to buy a beautiful diamond for my engagement ring. We had it set in a simple design knowing someday we would reset in something more elaborate.

Lately, as braces have been getting paid off and our kids are closer to venturing off on their own adventures, I’ve caught myself daydreaming about the type and style of ring I want. But one afternoon I noticed that I felt happier when I was thinking about a new ring. I looked forward to getting on the computer and hunting down the perfect setting. Read More…

Fighting Against the Enemy

bulls-102764_640It was one of those days.

Nothing bad had really happened, just some minor growing pains between me and my daughter.

But it wasn’t fun and I hate feeling disconnected from the people I love. Unfortunately, that comes with teen territory—–their transition from childhood to adulthood with parents trying to hang on and let go at the same time.

So I was feeling rejection and loss. Part of my brain knew it would pass, but the other part was wallowing in the dejection of disconnect and the irritation of being wronged. Parenting can leave you a bit off balance. Read More…

Being Real With God

2190903226_1be8b3766b_zHow real can we be with God?

How well does He handle our bad moods and emotions?

Years ago, God asked a friend of mine with an incredible life story, if she would let a book be written about her life. She told Him no. He asked her several times and she continued to refuse.

I struggled with this. A lot.

God—–the Creator of the universe—–Mr. All-Powerful—–asks you to do something and you say no? ‘Scuse me? Read More…

Living Like Sheep


Does God have a sense of humor?

He compares us to sheep and I have to think that makes Him laugh.

My friend, John, was driving past a field on a scorching summer day and noticed a group of sheep crowded oddly together in a tight circle. Then John detected the narrow shadow cast by a telephone pole. The sheep had spotted the tiny strip of shade and bunched together in an attempt to cool off.

How often do we find ourselves doing the same silly things to try to get our needs met?

How many of us have denied our craving for love, telling ourselves that we don’t really need other people? Read More…

God Embraces Us In Our Sin

pet-423398_640Can God be in the presence of sin?

When my kids were young  I taught them that He couldn’t. I believed it and wanted to encourage them to move toward sinless behavior. Or at least try their hardest to get close.

You know, “God’s not with you, so you might want to repent quickly.”

Fear is such an ugly thing to motivate people with.

In a recent discussion, my daughter, Brie, put into words what I’ve come to know but hadn’t clarified in my thoughts. She mentioned that God couldn’t be around sin. I replied that since Jesus died, God can now be around sin. She said, “No, He still can’t. He’s just dealt with it.” Read More…

God Is Pleased With You!

road-259815_640Can God still be pleased with us when we are sinning?

How does He view our sin when we are hip deep in it?

I’ve wrestled with this question for much of my Christian life. I was certain He couldn’t, so I didn’t understand how He could keep from leaving me as a grease spot on the carpet after I yelled at my kids.

Would He hurl a lightning bolt the way I just hurled my angry words?

How can we have His pleasure when we are tripping into sin? Read More…

Finding Hope

[]-2306211162_4What would life be without hope?

Many of us live in that place. Just holding on by a fingertip.

Faith and hope are active ingredients. Like yeast, they make things rise. Your emotions, your spirit, your situation and expectations.

I’m not talking about creating a false confidence or a Pollyanna outlook.

This is hope based on truth. The truth that God is not disappointed in us. That He has our back. That He cares deeply about the tiniest circumstances of our lives–—because He cares about us. Read More…

Blind Faith

[]-8290599649_4Can we feel the fear, but walk in faith?

How often do lies come to our minds and we give them more weight than they deserve:

My child will always struggle.
I’m not good enough.
This situation will never get better.
My life is a mess. I can’t do anything right.
They are better than me, prettier than me, smarter than me.
If only I had more money.
If only I had that husband.
If only I hadn’t married him.
I never make the right decisions.
I’ll never amount to anything.
This is as good as it’ll get for me.

These lies may be real to our emotions, but they aren’t truth. They are whispered in our ear by a lying spirit that comes to steal, kill and destroy. Read More…