Author | Speaker | Encourager


Truth in Advertising

sneakers-572601_640Do we sometimes feel we are “selling” Jesus to the ones that don’t know him?

Trying to look perfect, be good “Christian witnesses” so they will long for what we have?

In my early days of walking with Jesus, I so badly wanted others to know Him (that part hasn’t changed). I didn’t want to mess it up. I wanted to shine in such a way that they’d see their lack, that they’d discover this better way of living.

It’s kind of like walking the river bank, continually casting our hooks into the water and waiting for the tug so we can shout, “Fish on! Fish on!” And if they slip away, we wonder what we could have done differently to have convinced them they need Jesus.

Is that what Jesus meant by being fishers of men? Read More…

Living Fulfilled

dumbbell-pair-299533_640How do we live from our truest identity?

You’re probably wondering what that means.

My guess is that most of us would characterize our identity by what we do. The thing that occupies the majority of our time…I’m a pastor, a writer, a mom, a doctor…

But does what we do define who we are?

I think sometimes we cling tightly to what we do because we don’t know who we are without it. Or we struggle with finding value in ourselves apart from our occupation.

Perhaps our truest identity comes from how heaven sees us. Read More…

Have Another Thought

Melancholy_2How do we dump pessimistic thinking?

The other day I was wrestling through some issues. Just a few minor things, but added together they were draining.

I took myself to the gym and pulled up some Graham Cooke on my iPod. At one point he said, “If you don’t like the thought you’re having, have another thought.

I’ve heard Graham say this a zillion of times, but I never applied it to my life. He went on to explain that Jesus died for all our stuff—-even our negativity.

But we are often encouraged to focus and work on the very thing we shouldn’t be entertaining. Read More…

Walking Away from Judging

467919136_772e682fb7_zIf one thing was the root for most of our problems, what would it be?

I wonder if it would be judgment?

We live in a society so conditioned to judge that we rarely notice when we are doing it:

She’s too heavy.
Too thin.
Too talkative.
Why’d she style her hair like that?
That’s a horrible color on her.
I can’t believe she’d wear something that tight.
Why can’t she grow up?!

We constantly compare our behavior to theirs. Our kids to theirs. Our parenting to theirs. And we either come out on top…or we crumple to the bottom.

The bottom is bad because we feel the shame of our lack.

So to avoid that pain, we criticize. Elevating ourselves above others’ lack so we don’t see our own. Read More…

Who Are We Walking With?

2580085025_7f1cc8d205_zHow do we know which kingdom we are walking in?

This morning TDH (tall, dark and handsome) had to talk me off the ledge.

I had worked myself into a lather over the responsibilities of parenting. So many things on our radar—–SAT tests, scholarship research, college admissions—–and that’s my short list.

What is my responsibility and what is theirs? How do I guide and help them succeed without hijacking their journey and opportunity for growth, which often comes through failure and mistakes?

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My Story

pickup-truck-392744_640How do we find freedom and healing?

I was broken and lost. Hurting so much. Though I smiled and conversed, I felt isolated and alone.

I hungered for love to find me, connect with me and rescue me from the anger and depression I often experienced.

For years, my only peace and joy came through spending time with God. My kids knew my closet was where I met with Him. Many times after I’d lost it and raged at those precious gifts, they’d gently push me toward my room, saying, “Go spend time with Jesus.”

But my closet wasn’t always a place of peace. Sometimes I’d rail at God, “I’m here, where are You?” I needed His comfort and I felt betrayed when that comfort didn’t come. Read More…

Loving Ourselves Helps us to Like Others

bear-371352_640What do we do when we don’t like someone?

There are people in my life that I struggle with. In fact, I don’t feel a lot of love for them.

This bothers me because we are called to love. I don’t want to be anything less than Jesus desires, and He adores everyone.

Sometimes, I feel like there are two sets of tracks and I’ve jumped to the loveless ones. I want to get back to the other set of rails—–the ones where love flows through you and infects everyone around you, but I can’t always get there.

In talking with my sister-in-law, she brought up the point that we have to love ourselves in order to love others. Read More…

In the Storm

boot-507173_640What do we do when we are shadowed by our failings?

It’s been an interesting few days.

Normally, I have an abundance of peace and joy, but lately I’ve been dealing with tormenting thoughts. Loss and regret were the underlying theme. How I hadn’t done this right. How I would likely never would accomplish that.

So then I would avoid. I would read. I would find chocolate and devour it. Read More…

Loving More Deeply

5093910979_9edda8ec29_zHow much does God require from us?

Last week, I vented to God about a situation I was struggling with. He didn’t respond to any of my frustrations (I just wanted Him to say I was right and send a lightning bolt to deal with the violators).

Instead, He addressed my lack of love. And how sharp my tongue is without it. And He asked me to practice gentleness and patience until they flowed without effort through my life (and tongue—–can you hear my family cheering?).

In the minutes after God shared this, I called my insurance company. After giving my info to three different people and being passed from wrong department to wrong department, I knew I was being given the opportunity to be patient.

Fifteen minutes into the call, I didn’t care to practice any more. But I finally got a gal who could help. She told me she’d have to put me on hold, but would check on me every few minutes. When a half hour had passed, she told me she couldn’t help because of the HIPPA laws. Read More…

Storming the Enemy

4963774666_a163824ac7_zHow do we handle painful situations?

Too often we seek the Holy Spirit’s comfort, even as we embrace the enemy’s lies.

Letting the enemy lie and steal, while waiting for God to swoop in and rescue us from our situations.

But God’s already shown a light on our path:

  • We have to reject the lies (2 Cor. 10:5).
  • We have to embrace truth and fight to keep standing on it, despite our circumstances
    (1 Tim. 6:12).
  • We have to practice thinking good, true and lovely thoughts. God is in those thoughts (Phil. 4:8).
  • We invite the Spirit of truth into our situation by the words we think and speak (James 3:9-10).
  • We have to stand firm on the promises God has given us. (1 Cor. 16:13).

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