Author | Speaker | Encourager


Cracked Foundations

1348265363_622f98416f_zWhat keeps us from intimacy with God?

What keeps us from flowing in His power and kicking the enemy’s hind end out of our lives?

I wonder if there are some basic questions we need settled before we can move forward with Him. Here are three that either weaken or strengthen the foundation of our faith in God:

  • Is God good?
  • Is God powerful?
  • Is God with me and for me?

It isn’t enough to know what the word of God says about these concepts. We have to look past our intellect and into our souls. Read More…

The Pain of Disconnection

3870653508_7355523a14_mBroken relationships don’t have a place in God’s kingdom.

They happen, obviously. All the time, unfortunately.

Disconnection is from the enemy’s team. Their demonic objective is to steal, kill and destroy. From us, God’s kids.

The enemy of our soul is consumed with stealing our joy and peace. Killing our hope and love. And destroying our trust in God and people.

The enemy is a devourer of connectedness.

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How You Drink Your Coffee

imac-464737_1280God is desperate to hear from you.

His Father’s heart knows no limits. It is unbound by expectations. It is a river flowing from an eternal spring of love.

It cries out for connection no matter the age of His child. It longs and hopes for more.

God is desperate to hear from us. To have us lay our burdens at His feet. To draw close and lean our heads against His knee when our hearts are hurting and crushingly heavy. Read More…

Finding God’s Will

dogDoctors practice. Attorneys practice. Do Christians get to practice?

For much of my life, I’ve lived as a “Christian.” Not so much as a Christ follower.

Most likely because I was in the driver’s seat telling Him where we were going.

Please, please, please bless this.

Please fix this mess.

Please give me that job.

As I steered the car down the road I pointed out all the things that needed His attention.

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From Busyness to Breathing

prison-162885_640When did busyness take over our lives?

Before kids I didn’t need a calendar. Appointments somehow filed themselves away in my gray matter and popped up when needed. The arrival of our first child and then twins, twenty months later, apparently melted my synapses—–probably the lack of sleep—–and I perfected the art of apologizing for many missed appointments.

I wasn’t the only one affected. Mat arrived home from church one Sunday…without our young daughter. When he raced back to retrieve her she was waiting patiently in front of the building.

We complain about busyness, but we don’t make changes to free up our schedules. Why do we not say “no” when asked to add one more thing to an already overbooked calendar? Read More…

Do Thoughts Control Our Emotions?

car-407124_1280Are we aware of our thought lives?

Remember when we learned to drive? How we nervously sat in the driver’s seat and pulled onto the road for the first time, wondering how on earth we were going to keep the speedometer needle in its legal position, shift, brake, watch for merging traffic and keep the car out of the ditch?

But after a while, we got to the place where we could drive and eat cereal while putting on make-up? Okay, maybe that was only me. And I learned my lesson!

To help curb my Mario Andretti tendencies, I actually paid my kids a quarter for every yellow light I ran. And, um, a dollar for red ones. I know, I know. I’m a much safer driver these days.

That’s kind of how it is with our thought life (minus the make-up and cereal, of course). Read More…

Finding Peace

WomanAre the burdens that weigh us down the ones we’re supposed to be shouldering?

We are a culture saturated with exhausted and stressed out people. And to manage our stress many of us eat or escape into the internet.

But is it helping lighten our load? Or does food, shopping or the internet mask our pain for brief periods of time before we are sucked back into the churning rapids of life.

We say we need more hours in the day, but is a lack of time really the answer?

What are we saying “yes” to, and why? Read More…

Reframing Love

alone-279080_640Some years ago I found myself feeling lost and lonely.

I didn’t know that goodness surrounded me, and I certainly didn’t know how to access it.

All I knew was that I needed to control those around me.

It wasn’t overt (usually) and it wasn’t deliberate. I just thought I could see more clearly than others—–particularly TDH (tall, dark and handsome) and the short people running around our house.

I loved so deeply and lived under such a subtle weight of fear that I micro-managed their lives: Read More…

When Life Disappoints

flowers-398941_640It’s easy to trust God when life runs smoothly.

We skip through the flower-laden meadow of our minds, easily declaring God’s goodness.

But when difficulty strikes—–a lost job, a wayward child, a hiccup or tornado in our marriages, how do we walk in the truth? In His promises?

How do we maintain peace and joy when we’re sliding down the mountain into the valley? Read More…

Journey to Redemption

portrait-367047_640Six years ago we acquired a playful, sandstone-colored ball of inquisitiveness.

He’s an indoor cat, a stance I took after our last indoor/outdoor cat had an unfortunate run-in with a passing car. Initially, Hudson wasn’t reconciled to this state of affairs. And after a few tentative ventures onto the front porch (when we failed to shut the door), he determined to sneak outside.

One day his wildest dreams were realized when we went school shopping and left the front door ajar. Hours later, we called and called for Hudson, but no caramel-colored cat came sauntering from beneath a shrub.

We prayed and then TDH (tall, dark & handsome) slipped on his sandals and said he’d go looking for him. I was a bit surprised and touched as he and Hudson hadn’t exactly bonded.

Though he didn’t make it farther than the side yard where I found him pulling weeds. Read More…